
Lu Bu was a dynamic man who played an important part in Chinese history.  A cunning warrior, his martial prowess was nearly unmatched.  However, what he had physically he lacked in tactical ability and personal loyalty...
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Besides Hua Mulan, there have been many other Chinese warrior women throughout history.  Today, we are going to take a look at 3 very special women...
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One of the most famous leaders of all time, Genghis Khan led the Mongols on a conquest that would eventually form the largest contiguous empire in human history.  All was not power and roses however, as he came from quite humble beginnings.
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The original story of Mulan is short, only a few hundred characters. But the story contained inside is unique and powerful, especially for the time period in which it was written. Set in the first half of the first millennium, it chronicles the story of a girl who takes her father’s place and joins the army...
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